Youth Ministry

Sunday Morning Youth

in the Loft 9 a.m.

FBCP's Youth Ministry provides a space for students sixth to twelfth grade to seek Christ while doing life together. We pursue this mission through intentionally seeking an authentic community that offers all people a place to belong, regardless of one's scars, heartaches, and personal struggles. We strive daily to love our neighbor as we love ourselves and to seek the abundant life that Jesus intends for each of us. At FBCP, all are invited to come to the table. 

There is always space for another chair!

the commandment

When asked which commandment in the law was the most important, Jesus replied:

"'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." - Matthew 22:37-39

This, then is our mission: to love God with everything that we have, and then to love our neighbor, which is everyone, as we love ourselves.

beyond the walls

At First Baptist, we are dedicated to reaching our community while seeking Jesus and doing life together. This means that youth ministry continues long after we've left the building. Students are given opportunities throughout the year to participate in service, be that through mission trips, serving members of the congregation through providing childcare or assisting with home projects, or volunteering locally.

Students are encouraged to live out their faith daily at school, work, and home. Establishing connections between students and congregation mentors allows for our multi-generational mission to extend beyond Sunday services. With a core mission of being an authentic community, members of the youth group are challenged to move outside of their comfort zone to bring about the Kingdom of God in the here and now each and every day.