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Worship Ministry

The worship team ministry has openings for new members. For more information, contact us!


Children/Youth ministry

First Baptist Plainfield can always use volunteers for our growing ministries. Here is a brief list where people can serve:

  • Nursery workers during Sunday services and special events
  • Sunday school teachers and leaders
  • Powerzone leaders and helpers
  • Small group leaders for the youth
  • Youth sponsors to take part in Sunday evening group
  • Provide snacks for children or dinner for youth events

All those working with our children and youth must agree to a background check paid for by FBCP.

If interested in serving, please contact us office@firstbaptistplainfield.org or download, print ,and return the Volunteer Application.

Our missionaries

First Baptist Church of Plainfield supports three couples who are serving Christ in overseas missions. We will post udpates as they are provided.  You can also click the name of the missionary and you will directed to a web page with more information. 

Bill and Ann Clemmer

The Clemmers are serving in South Sudan. Bill helps train health care workers while Ann helped establish a Christian school.

Katie and Taku Longkumer

The Longkumers are serving in India.  Katie provides training and counseling to churches while Taku  works with the secretaries to help provide missionary training

Kyle and Debby Witmer

Kyle and Debby are serving Thailand providing pastoral education and leadership development.